SLP Data Types
OpenSLP Programmer's Guide » Misc. Information » SLP Data Types


An API function declaration modifier, which allows various linkage specifications to be applied to API functions in a portable manner, as required by platforms and compilation tools. Many platforms simply define this to be nothing. Win32 platform linkers define this to be __declspec(dllimport), which notifies Win32 compilation tools that this function should be imported from a Win32 dynamic link library.


An API function address modifier, which allows various linkage attributes to be applied to API functions in a portable manner, as required by platforms and compilation tools. Many platforms simply define this macro to be nothing.


An API function address modifier, which allows various linkage attributes to be applied to API functions in a portable manner, as required by platforms and compilation tools. Many platforms simply define this macro to be nothing.


An enumerated type with a range of 0 - 65535.  There are two defined values of:



An enumerated type with a range of -26 - 1.  See SLPError Codes for more detail.


A boolean value with one of the following values:

SLP_TRUE     1


Structure that is used to index the parts of a parsed Service URL that is returned by SLPParseSrvURL().  The structure contains the following members.

char* s_pcSrvType
A pointer to a character string containing the service type name, including naming authority.  The service type name includes the "service:" if the URL is of the service: scheme.
char* s_pcHost
A pointer to a character string containing the host identification information.
int s_iPort
The port number, or zero if none.  The port is only available if the transport is IP
char* s_pcNetFamily
A pointer to a character string containing the network address family identifier.  Possible values are "ipx" for the IPX family, "at" for the Appletalk family, and "" (the empty string) for IP address family.  OpenSLP only supports the IP address family.
char* s_pcSrvPart
The remainder of the URL.


The SLPHandle type is returned by SLPOpen() and is a parameter to all SLP Functions.  The type is opaque to the caller.